Our philosophy

Our philosophy is simple: to break the cycle of poverty and to inspire positive changes in the lives of vulnerable children and women.


Break the cycle of poverty and inspire positive changes in the lives of vulnerable children and women.
Balò ODV has decided to operate in India where there is still a gap that seems unbridgeable between the population benefiting from the economic boom and the population that has no access even to the minimum standards of life; where hygiene and sanitation leave a lot to be desired and is a luxury that few have, where to send their children to school is often unthinkable.


Giving awareness to vulnerable children and women by providing access to quality education, nutritious food and medical care in a protected environment.


Equality, respect, transparency and reliability. We take responsibility for making the use of resources as efficient as possible. We use all our energy to ensure that funds are spent effectively and that budgets are accessible and transparent.


We prioritise the welfare of the women and children we deal with. All the people with whom we come into contact in various ways are treated equally without regard to sex, ethnicity or religion.